It was a good day, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and I only have 1 quibble.
It went smoothly, in fact it all went too quickly for us. We seemed to zoom through the signing parts and spend a long time having photos taken so we didn't really get to talk to anyone. Then I had to nip off for Little C before dashing down to have dinner. The speeches were good, very funny. The food was fantastic - although a menu card would have meant people knew what they were eating as one table kept telling one of their friends they couldn't have the starter and when he found out what it actually was he was gutted as he'd loved to have it. Then we were on to dancing. Buffet - I'm sure there was one but I didn't get to see it, and wedding cake... well that's my quibble. We wanted to cut it, you know the good old fashioned way "couple cut the cake" business, but I only found out it was cut when my brother asked if I'd had any. Stunned I was!
Well pleased with the whole day otherwise - everyone seemed to be having fun which made us happy too.