Thursday, 5 July 2007


Ok so it's been a while and so much has happened.
Work is worse than the playground - he does she does and I'm fed up with it.
Yesterday I had my "monthly" review and apparently (shock horror) there's work not done by me the following day!! WoW how bad am i! What's happening is we work on a rota and I'll be focusing on one type of task one day and something different the next, and it's been commented on the following day that there's loads of that type of work there to do so the obvious conclusion is that I didn't do it the day before. Now because of the wonder of computers and software it means that people can add to my "daily duty" via the system. Well now that's all fine and dandy except I work an 8 till 4 day and they can still add stuff once I've gone home. Yup you may be guessing the problem here... I'm obviously not doing my work once I've left the office! Naughty me I should be working 24 hours a day and then it wont build up ! Pathetic.
Hate it. I thought I'd got to my most despondent point when they had a go about my hours (you know the usual where I'm sitting at my desk during lunch and get interrupted with work and so I add the time on or I've stayed late and no one's noticed except the following day when it's announced across the office that I'm there after 4 (even more shock horror) and it's the first time I've ever done that!) How can I say this politely - they are really good at demotivation and making me loathe the place. It's like, 'coz I don't have a loud mouth and I just get on and do things I'm obviously not working and I'm taking the mickey. So now not only do I have to tell people to go away I'm on lunch but at the end of the day like a school child I have to report to my teacher... sorry team leader that there's nothing left to do and everything still hanging around has a note on it to say why it's hanging around.
Next they'll be monitoring my toilet use and how long I spend in there (which will be too long!).
Oh set me free from this pathetic place... thinking street cleaning wouldn't be this much trouble.

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