Monday, 29 October 2007

talking of dancing

what's going on with "Strictly"? We managed to see the Sunday show on Sunday but have only just watched the Saturday show.
We thought Gaby Logan must've done something really really wrong to be in the dance off.

Don't feel like dancing?

Had a fantastic weekend. Friday was hard work as I hate leaving a dirty house so kitchen and bathroom were cleaned and all washing up done - I had help!! I didn't have to attend to everything on my own. That was niiiiicceee.
Had a good car trip and some nice driving weather (sunny but a tad chilly out of the car). The only slight annoyance was that the "hotel" were still trying to get the rooms ready at 3pm when we should have 
been able to get in them at 2pm.
Did quite a bit of dancing, over the weekend, had a lot of laughs with the folks we went with (there were 24 friends there, so the group sometimes dominated the dancefloor). The floor had been "enlarged" - carpet rolled back on all sides to make it bigger. Teachers were ok bit off their form, one had had an op on a knee, and the other wasn't feeling fantastic so it's understandable and they did quite a professional job of it. Dances learnt were generally ok.
Sunday was wet wet wet wet and generally more fine rain. Put a bit of a dampener on our outing - we drove up the hill and stopped to have lunch at the cafe.... it really was only about 15 minute walk from the "hotel", well it was rainy. Had a cream tea. Then went back for a nap. Naps are very important on these weekends, I'm no spring chicken and dancing till 2am and getting up for 8 for breakfast is a little tiring these days.
Today we came back; we opened our doors to glorious sunshine and clear skies. I thought (hoped really) it'd be the same when we got home so I could get the washing dry. The trip back was lovely.
Got busy at home: 2 lots of washing done and 2 to go, the ivy pulled off the wall and as much as I could bare pulled from places I could only just reach along the border, bagged and swept, vacuumed through the house so the kitchen is the only floor left, went out and got fish and chips (which I promptly dropped on the floor - thankfully most was in bags but we did lose a fishcake, guilty yes I felt so as it wasn't my fishcake, my dinner was safe but only just).
Now I'm quickly (well as quick as I can) doing all the internet stuff before turning my hand to yet something else that needs doing before bed.

Monday, 22 October 2007

Go on kick me

Well it was a day like any other day last Friday until about noon, an appropriate time for a show down. A comment made by a middleman and hey presto guns are drawn two shots sound, I feign injury and silence falls. Ok so it’s not so dramatic, it’s a work thing. Three of us sit in a row me and one end and a “senior” (because they are supposed to have more experience) sits the other, a comment about me taking Friday and Monday off work sets off said “senior” into an “I’m gonna have to redo the rota because you have too many days out of the team….. blah blah… affects the team and the work”, “huh? I don’t understand”, more rantings from said “senior”. Once “senior” is away middleman (who cowered down close to the desk and focused straight ahead at the pc) says I should say something about that and it was out of order.
So I request an audience with my Team Leader (TL). Told TL about what had happened and middleman saying it was out of order and middleman wasn’t the only one. TL was quite informative; apparently “senior” has a few issues with me:
- I don’t do any work
- I don’t work in the team
- I’m too ridged with the rota
- I don’t respond to e-mails, take action on them
- I have ignored e-mails “senior” sent
- And…and what was the last item….
I’m sure there was something about no more than 2 people going out to get coffee from next door at any time (for the last 2 years there have always been 4 of us, and we got fed up being given orders so we stopped so others now go and come as they like but us 4 are in trouble, even if 2 leave and then the other 2 leave later). It went so far that we had to have permission for 3 of us to go – which I got when we had to go for doughnuts – and “senior” had had a good old moan to TL about it but TL already knew as I’d asked!! It’s me. If the other 3 went out without me they wouldn’t get into trouble.
Well it gave me a chance to say that I offer help and am told to stick to the rota whilst the additional work is dealt out to the others; 1 e-mail missed in 6months, and I’d been away for a couple of days, done what I was told and asked “senior” for help as I was inundated and need to catch up to be told “no” and “tough everyone else has to incorporate it into their work so you have to too”; and as for not responding to e-mails, I was sent 2 that morning which I didn’t receive to find “senior” had only sent 1 which was obviously going through the e-mail system which I can’t do anything about.
Well TL took “senior” aside and obviously had a word as when they came back there was a tension. In fact it must have been bad because when “senior” had gone the other team member still there asked me if it was something they’d done wrong as “senior” wasn’t talking to them. I did have to say a little about what was happening.
Well today, Monday, someone else came up and said that they could hear what was going on, had I upset “senior”, and “senior” had no right to speak to me like that, particularly as they heard it all and they sit apart from us (that’s open plan offices for ya). I’m glad “senior” is off for a couple of days – I’m not sure if I will be very worried about when “senior” is back.
I think I’m getting paranoid.

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

wicked witch

She’s back – I thought after all the hassle she gave us to “prune” the tree at the bottom of the garden, once done she would stop pestering but oh no how wrong could I be?
So the first time she called was to ask about taking the overhanging branches off, fine I said I’d get a quote as brother has connections in said business. The next day she’d tried calling us but to no avail (could be because we were out at work… you know something us mortals have to do to keep food on the table and the roof over our heads) so she wrote us a letter. The Wednesday, when I have a whole 30 minutes to myself to wash my hair in I thought I’d go see the tree from her side – spent 45 minutes there having my ear talked off, silly me really expecting just to pop in for 5 minutes, so I ended up running late (again).
I did manage to speak to Tree-man about issues a couple of days later (weekend getting in the way of calling earlier), and I was informed that she has every right to cut the tree back to the boundary. So that’s what I told her when she called, and happened to get it into the conversation at least 3 times but that was another half hour of my life wasted having my ear talked off. I told her the same thing the next time we spoke and when she called round at the front door – yes she managed to wheedle her way in to have a look at the tree from our side, although I shut the doors so she couldn’t snoop too much.
Well, I think understandably, I’m getting slightly annoyed with the nosy parker, but words of calm were spoken to me along the “try to be nice and don’t get wound up” and “you’ll have to live with her there” lines.
I’ve told everyone who’s asked about the tree that we’d look into having it replaced but next year – you know new house that needs attention comes first. Also I’d like the time to plan the garden plus the experts always recommend leaving a garden for a year before altering it (unless it’s just a concrete lump!).
She “pruned” the tree…. back to the trunk…the trunk definitely being on our side of the boundary line… she replaced the corner section of the fence, and moved my compost bin which I had situated and dug in (only about an inch to make sure it didn’t move)…. the retaining wall is missing (oh did I forget to say the back of our garden is higher than hers and someone’s put in a wall about 3 bricks high to hold it all in). Pissed – a bit but nothing that can’t be remedied given some time (hahahahaha hysterical me!?!) Time is something I have little of. Ok calm, calm, quick, quick calm….
So she knocked on the door week ago Saturday to say she was having the whole fence along the back replaced. Ok I say. It’s shared ownership boundary she said. Fine but like I said before we can’t afford it so it’s up to you. I had my ear talked off again, another hour wasted, at least I know now that her neighbour has taken a lot of stuff out of his garden (I know his name and his nickname and that his plans were to chop it next year). I repeat again that I’ve not had time to go look at the tree properly, nor the new bit of fence she had put up, I repeat again that we’re not planning much for the garden till next year, and we need to get the house in working order, and that we have to find out which fence is our as the neighbours either side say we need to repair them (they’re in a sorry state).
Can I strangle the woman screaming, “Have I not got enough to do without you waste my time? Can I not be left to get something sorted in reasonable time; does it have to be done tomorrow? Have you not got something better to do? I’m doing the frigin garden next year! Let me get the lighting and heating sorted out this year!”
Well the lady next door came and said she’d told the wicked witch I was probably out, she tried to save me but the witch had to ring the doorbell. I was also informed that the witch was very nosy and liked to be able to look into everyone’s gardens and houses (I joked about putting on some sort of over 18 floor show). Also I was told she’d been trying to have the tree removed for a long time – I know now it’s been for over 4 years. I’ve been living there just about 7 months, nearly owned it for a year but it was in no state to move into straight off.
Well I got a knock on the door yesterday, just as I was about to check on dinner, and guess what! Well not only was she there but she’d brought a friend (I’ve seen him doing bits in her garden and from the conversation I’d say he wasn’t living with her – having his own kitchen refitted and all). Well we had the “the tree’s roots have shifted the fence”, “I’m losing my garden because of the tree”, “the tree’s roots are damaging my patio and I’ll have to talk to a solicitor to see what the situation is…. You might have to pay for a new patio for me” oh and “the earth at the back is warping the fence…the earth is making the fence bow”. Mind you she didn’t know what the green “thing” in our garden was – it’s a compost bin the council provide free! Perhaps I should have pointed out that the retaining wall at the back is missing but I was a bit occupied looking at the photos they’ve taken and trying not to loose my temper. At least when I explained we’d missed the tree-man and how I get caught up in the appalling traffic (up to 2 hours to get home/to work on routes that usually take 20-30 minutes) the friend-fella she was with said to give us a couple of weeks to get things sorted – she was wanting us to do it now (today). I wonder how long she’ll wait before getting in touch again.

Monday, 8 October 2007

Traffic light people

I like this (having done a bit of travel, crossing roads is something you notice): trafficlightpeopleoftheworld

How does it start?

It's the first time we've got to a social dance to set up an hour early to find people already turning up.... 30 minutes yes but an HOUR early! 
It was a good night though - nothing taxing, nothing difficult, they must think I'm a little on the odd side as I got the giggles early on, well when we started dancing I was on my own at the front. There were 4 lines behind me and everyone joined in on the end of those so there were 4 crammed lines and me on my tod. And when I tried to go talk to someone she walked away! Well I sat on my own for a while before the others turned up (late) but ti did make me giggles. As this was a mixed ability dance night we had some very lively ladies who were trying everything and wiggling lots - good laugh through.

Friday, 5 October 2007


I said the moment had passed and it has in a way but I thought I'd try reiterate some of what I was going on about:

It was the hen night and the wedding, seeing all those friends, some who see each other everyday , some who go out each week together.  Perhaps my life is out of balance. Anyway I made a friend which I hope will become a good friend and last, not just "ships passing" - not that I don't have friends but it's kinda hard to nip off down the pub or pop round for tea when they're more than 10 minutes bus ride away and I think that's what these friends had, the men and women all lived close and shared babysitting or houseminding, as well as going out.


(I shall try again...but I think the moment's passed)
I doing a bit of a catch up, things just cascaded.

So where was I, oh yes I was a "chick" at a hen night, lots of drinking and some dancing, even with the silly women who hate each other. I did enjoy the weekend (does it sound like I’m trying to convince myself? well I’m not). I loved not being around the house…work, I drank loads but unfortunately did not get as pissed as everyone else and have now earned my self a reputation as being able to drink people under the table.

The wedding's also been and gone - more drinking and a kind of shuffling for dancing, well that was me everyone else was strutting their stuff. Don't know why, I mean I do dance and yet somehow put me in a room with work folk and strangers and I'm a shuffler - sometimes I wish I was a bit more of an exhibitionist.


ooo how I hate dodgy connections - now I can't remember what I was writing in the post.....