Monday, 22 October 2007

Go on kick me

Well it was a day like any other day last Friday until about noon, an appropriate time for a show down. A comment made by a middleman and hey presto guns are drawn two shots sound, I feign injury and silence falls. Ok so it’s not so dramatic, it’s a work thing. Three of us sit in a row me and one end and a “senior” (because they are supposed to have more experience) sits the other, a comment about me taking Friday and Monday off work sets off said “senior” into an “I’m gonna have to redo the rota because you have too many days out of the team….. blah blah… affects the team and the work”, “huh? I don’t understand”, more rantings from said “senior”. Once “senior” is away middleman (who cowered down close to the desk and focused straight ahead at the pc) says I should say something about that and it was out of order.
So I request an audience with my Team Leader (TL). Told TL about what had happened and middleman saying it was out of order and middleman wasn’t the only one. TL was quite informative; apparently “senior” has a few issues with me:
- I don’t do any work
- I don’t work in the team
- I’m too ridged with the rota
- I don’t respond to e-mails, take action on them
- I have ignored e-mails “senior” sent
- And…and what was the last item….
I’m sure there was something about no more than 2 people going out to get coffee from next door at any time (for the last 2 years there have always been 4 of us, and we got fed up being given orders so we stopped so others now go and come as they like but us 4 are in trouble, even if 2 leave and then the other 2 leave later). It went so far that we had to have permission for 3 of us to go – which I got when we had to go for doughnuts – and “senior” had had a good old moan to TL about it but TL already knew as I’d asked!! It’s me. If the other 3 went out without me they wouldn’t get into trouble.
Well it gave me a chance to say that I offer help and am told to stick to the rota whilst the additional work is dealt out to the others; 1 e-mail missed in 6months, and I’d been away for a couple of days, done what I was told and asked “senior” for help as I was inundated and need to catch up to be told “no” and “tough everyone else has to incorporate it into their work so you have to too”; and as for not responding to e-mails, I was sent 2 that morning which I didn’t receive to find “senior” had only sent 1 which was obviously going through the e-mail system which I can’t do anything about.
Well TL took “senior” aside and obviously had a word as when they came back there was a tension. In fact it must have been bad because when “senior” had gone the other team member still there asked me if it was something they’d done wrong as “senior” wasn’t talking to them. I did have to say a little about what was happening.
Well today, Monday, someone else came up and said that they could hear what was going on, had I upset “senior”, and “senior” had no right to speak to me like that, particularly as they heard it all and they sit apart from us (that’s open plan offices for ya). I’m glad “senior” is off for a couple of days – I’m not sure if I will be very worried about when “senior” is back.
I think I’m getting paranoid.

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