Monday, 5 May 2008


What a ruddy pain!
I thought I'd have a nice day at home, catch up on this and the other bits neglected in the past week and then shoot off to get a new car. Then the other half called and said they loke was on lunch till 3pm so no hurry, so when the folks phoned next I thought it would be a quick outing. Only it wasn't that quick - I really don't want to be rushed into a decision and they are pushing. Well dashed home and got the washing out before dashing off again. Got to the car dealers about 3:30pm, and was hanging around reading newspapers whilst he finished with another customer.
One of his colleagues took us through the finance only to have my bank decline us! I couldn't f believe it! After all the stress and trouble and knowing the money's there the bank declines us! I answered all the questions right... mind you the authorisation place was in India and he couldn't understand us very well, had to tell him 4 times my name!!
So ended up calling the folks out to come pay for the car - we're both very down about this. It just seems that we're being kicked in the shins everytime we try to do something. It's like every step forward seems to take us 2 back.
Well they bailed us, thankfully.
Hopefully now we'll have lady luck smile on us - think we need it.

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