Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Cake, gimme cake

but only the way I want it! 

Mother-in-law-to-be has taken over the cake, well I knew she'd taken on cooking the cake - we negotiated out of chocolate as I don't like her chocolate cake... neither do I like her fruit cake but I can't DO anything about that except not eat it. So I'm not getting the cake I wanted - me and the other half did come to the agreement of carrot, chocolate and fruit to please everyone - god knows why it was thought the fruit cake be the largest, personally I'd have thought the chocolate cake should have been the biggest as I know more people who'd have it...... but now were down to 2 fruit and a carrot. So I get carrot if I get a piece of cake, already said no nuts as some people insist carrot cake has nuts, surely that makes it a carrot and nut cake? 

So I'm already fed up about THE cake, now I find out that she's already got the decorations... excuse me but aren't the groom and bride supposed to be involved? I feel like disowning the cake and when it comes to photos and cutting the blinkin thing to go stand by something else (I shall take a fairy cake and cut that!). I could order my own deco and put it on the cake on the day, wipe hers off the face of the cake. Why don't people ask? huh? is it such a big deal to ask - I don't bite unless provoked and asking wont provoke me. I'd even told her I'd seen some nice ones in a shop and WE should go have a look see if they're ok

Enough ranting from me for now I have a tiny person, who has wriggled off, to tend to.

Friday, 8 August 2008


It's only 3 weeks and I'm giving in to my other halfs insistant on using a soother/dummy when Little C wails - only I will wait for a real episode the other one gives in as soon as there's a hint of wail coming. Little C's also been having episodes asleep (of sudden out the blue wailing) - I'm thinking it's soother related. 

The question is, is it a good idea to use one now? I think little C's already hooked on it, which I don't think is good and I'd like to stop it, but I can see how it makes life easy. Particularly as today I took it away and Little C wailed constantly for 15 miutes, and then had a 10 minute break before setting off again. I even managed to do a nappy change and provide a bath (as the little darlings started weeing over the change mat whenever we take the nappy off) and we had a constant wail through it. I'm beginning to wish there were colour coded instructions (blue for feed, red for "I want to be burped/sick" etc.).

Oh well back to servicing the sleepy head.

Monday, 4 August 2008

Wellll hellllooo

Finally, Little C arrived very early in the morning 2 weeks ago. Tiny little person, all soft and fluffy. In fact in 2 weeks Little C now seems quite big to me.

We went to a meal the other day and I couldn't believe how many 5-6 month olds there were there, also they nearly all had red hair! And there I was thinking redheads are rare, well more so than blondes and brunettes. Well I was mentioning these other babes becuase I couldn't believe how big they are. Now Little C was around 7lb's, so not a tiny baby and not a large one either, but will Little C get to be sooooo large and round faced as these others at 6 months? 

Not expecting any long sleeps just yet - except in the car that is - Little C's asleep right now, puckered lips and lying frog-like. So this is now my world - feeds and changing nappies, grabbing kip..... oh plus housekeeping, cooking, teaching and studies (when I can fit them in!!).