Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Cake, gimme cake

but only the way I want it! 

Mother-in-law-to-be has taken over the cake, well I knew she'd taken on cooking the cake - we negotiated out of chocolate as I don't like her chocolate cake... neither do I like her fruit cake but I can't DO anything about that except not eat it. So I'm not getting the cake I wanted - me and the other half did come to the agreement of carrot, chocolate and fruit to please everyone - god knows why it was thought the fruit cake be the largest, personally I'd have thought the chocolate cake should have been the biggest as I know more people who'd have it...... but now were down to 2 fruit and a carrot. So I get carrot if I get a piece of cake, already said no nuts as some people insist carrot cake has nuts, surely that makes it a carrot and nut cake? 

So I'm already fed up about THE cake, now I find out that she's already got the decorations... excuse me but aren't the groom and bride supposed to be involved? I feel like disowning the cake and when it comes to photos and cutting the blinkin thing to go stand by something else (I shall take a fairy cake and cut that!). I could order my own deco and put it on the cake on the day, wipe hers off the face of the cake. Why don't people ask? huh? is it such a big deal to ask - I don't bite unless provoked and asking wont provoke me. I'd even told her I'd seen some nice ones in a shop and WE should go have a look see if they're ok

Enough ranting from me for now I have a tiny person, who has wriggled off, to tend to.


Mephitis said...

It's your bloody cake! You should get what you want. I never understand the need some parents seem to have to take-over everything when it comes to these things.

If they want to help that's great, but they should be the enablers, ie. let you choose the design and they organise & arrange.

You'd think the aim would be to give you the day you want, not the day they want. Still, at least they're trying, (very trying!)

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