Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Little uns and friends part 2

Still feel sorry for the pair. My friends in quite obvious pain - yes she's being seen to but it seems the pain eases in one place and reappears in another - hence the strange (to me) feeding positions. I still don't think it's very good bonding or getting the milk into the babe. I went so far as to say I often lay Little C across my lap so I don't have to hold her, but alas this was brushed aside. 

At least the changing business looked like it had improved - we took the little uns in together so i could see her and she could see me. I'm afraid I've become a bit of a rabbit-er (?) well non-stop-talker, saying things like "bottoms up" and "put yer trousers on" and "here's the nappy".... in fact I talk alot, an awful lot like that to Little C, and when in a room of mums and babes I seem to be the only one with this verbal dihorrea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Talking all the time to your baby is supposed to be a great way to make them into talkers themselves. When I had the old PND with my firstborn I remember going for hours not talking to him and the health visitor telling me I should. And then he was a late talker and was under the speech therapy dept for years and years. So is that my fault??? Possibly, who knows. I wish I'd talked more but I was no good at the whole baby talk thing and going through such a fog of depression meself at the time. So, you're doing good, well done! Abster x