Tuesday, 17 February 2009


Oh it's a horrible thing to happen - been there done it myself now the other half is going through it all. And what could be worse? Being at home with the other half underfoot, in my way and basically hogging everything I used to have al day to do..... hence the lack of blogging ...coz I can't get on the Internet as it's always occupied! 

One is informed there is a gadget that can be got which will allow all interested parties access at the sametime - but it's like the curtain rail in Little C's room, one day it will be removed from it's wrappings and actually fixed to the wall (we've had it for 4 months already!).

It as been nearly 4 weeks since the news was announced and the p'd off other half came home, and it's been a battle to get things that are normally done with regularity done once. Saying that things have improved slightly, the other half does now fill the dishwasher and make tea without too much complaining and sometimes I'm lucky enough to hear the phrase "can I help" (usually around lunch or dinner time when I've started cooking). The other half has even ventured to feed Little C once or twice, and I've started "it's your turn" when Little C starts moaning.

Perhaps I just demand too much too quickly?!?

1 comment:

Mephitis said...

No, I don't think you expect too much too quickly :). I think when you're both at home, chores should be divided equally. But then, it does sound like some progress being made at least, more of the same required :).