Thursday, 21 January 2010


I am soooooo ill. I've been off work since week last Wednesday and have been hacking my way through the week since the Friday before then. Wish I hadn't taken a sick day last week I might've been able to "work" my way through it.

Dr finally gave me antibiotics Yesterday and the threat that if I didn't improve in 48 hrs they'd "take me in"! What with the Other half sneezing for the last 3 days and Little C all bunged up I think I might get some peace and sleep if I were taken in. Snot (and there's a lot of it here) fair - why is it whenever I'm ill so is the Other Half? I can never have the peace and pampering I deserve in my sickbed because I still have to cater and care for the other sick people!

I must be getting a little better... I'm beginning to moan more but that could be the effect of having no clean cutlery and having to think about feeding the pair when all I feel like is putting my feet up with a hot cuppa - once a cup's been cleaned! I'd love to be able to sleep in bed too - I can't lay down cause it starts my hacking off. 

At least I've had several brief contacts with the outside world just to keep me sane, although my head feels like a lump of cotton wool that's slowly spinning sideways. And just as the weather turns for the better and I could go out and plant and dig things I'm nowhere near up to it. Once I get my real head back I'll have to find my phone charger as my phone's as flat as a pancake and I can't think where I put the charger (sob sob no texting)

Oh woe is me. 

1 comment:

Mephitis said...

Hope you feel better soon.