Wednesday, 24 December 2008



The decorations are up, the presents wrapped, Little C has gone to bed not aware that Santa (or Daddy Lulu as my other half has just told me) will be visiting.... except we have no chimney and I'm not quite willing to leave the front door open for him just yet. ....oh as I was saying, the house is a mess....

But I wish y'all a cheery time with good company and good food.

Little uns and friends part 2

Still feel sorry for the pair. My friends in quite obvious pain - yes she's being seen to but it seems the pain eases in one place and reappears in another - hence the strange (to me) feeding positions. I still don't think it's very good bonding or getting the milk into the babe. I went so far as to say I often lay Little C across my lap so I don't have to hold her, but alas this was brushed aside. 

At least the changing business looked like it had improved - we took the little uns in together so i could see her and she could see me. I'm afraid I've become a bit of a rabbit-er (?) well non-stop-talker, saying things like "bottoms up" and "put yer trousers on" and "here's the nappy".... in fact I talk alot, an awful lot like that to Little C, and when in a room of mums and babes I seem to be the only one with this verbal dihorrea.

Sunday, 14 December 2008


oh absolutely positively.... until a new theory comes along. 

Oh it gets my goat when watching archaeological and history TV programmes and the "expert" comes on and says well as you can see this is definitely positively..." How the heck do they know? Were they alive then? Have they a time machine to pop back and find out? And worst of all what they say is carved in stone and becomes the acknowledged thing which then becomes taught. And when it is questioned the questioner is wrong because whatever they're questioning is carved in stone. 

Honestly I'm not waffling. So far I've seen two Egyptology programmes - one where the skeleton is definitely Queen Nef. who was such a powerful woman and ruled like a man, killed the favoured harem woman and became pharaoh in her own right after the husband died and she was a sensitive woman who listened to her people.... oh and the skeleton next to her is her brother-in-law. The next programme is where they start saying the Sphinx is definitely this pharaoh who built it..... ok so the programme's not finished yet and they may unpick this statement but it's so annoying when you get Professor xyz saying these things. It's only a possibility. We will never know definitely well not until that time machine's built. 

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Being home...'d think you'd have time for things and plan "Yes I shall be able to blog daily" or "I shall complete that project I stated on 4 months ago" and when you throw in the "no I'm not studying right now" you'd think there was even more time. Where does it all go? 

I feel I have less time now than I did when I was at work! Cleaning is only done in emergencies, Internet usage is almost zero, toe-tapping dancing is at a minimum, and still nothing ever seems to get done!

Mind you I've learnt that I did have a very good skill for learning dances last minute and now.. well now it takes me some time, I can still pull the easy one off in 20 minutes but anything other than improver level really does need me to practice. 

Ok so I might not be being fair on myself, what with the economic upheaval (ooo doesn't that start sound intelligent!), I have been going through all the finance stuff from energy saving, budget shopping, to all the insurances a person needs under the sun and remortgaging. Throw in the mix that I have the stinking cold that's going round (bad head, throat, ears, runny red nose etc) and Little C I should be patting myself on the back and taking a well earned rest... oh is it dinner time, I'd best be off to peel the spuds. 

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Little uns and friends

Toughie this. I saw a friend who's Little L is about a month younger than Little C - it hadn't been easy for the pair of them, from pain to bad advice to medical persons discussing what to do infront of her and not talking to her. Then Little L had tongue-tie, and lost a lot of weight due to this. Now I'm no expert but I watched my friend bottle feed Little L and really felt like pointing out that the poor little bit wasn't getting a good amount of milk because of the way Little L was being held. Now I'd lay any baby across my lap with their head in the crook of one arm and tip the bottle up so there was no air in the teat - Little L was being held sitting upright (legs being held between mum's) and the bottle was being held pushing Little L's head back but only around half the teat was full of milk- and winding was not attempted for very long as Little L was crying.

And then when it was nappy time the pair disappeared for 20 minutes or so and once when they returned I was informed that Little L had put her feet and hands in the nappy and spread the contents around. I used to watch my mum doing changes and she'd hold the baby's feet inbetween the fingers on one hand and change/wipe/etc with the other. But how do you pass these tips on without making a new mum feel even worse - plus Little L is (apparently) quite a wailer, enough so to drive my friend to tears. I can understand if Little L is constantly crying if its hunger because more air is sucked in than milk and winding is not very good. But how can you tell someone this without upsetting or offending? 

Monday, 6 October 2008


What is the right time for bed?

I was reading my e-mails and there's one about "Now your baby is 2 months and 4 weeks old"...... erm not that that's the right age, but don't 4 weeks make a month anyway? Perhaps they use some other calendar where 5 weeks maketh a month.  "'ll be in a routine. You will find you're baby sleeps:...... 8-12 hours a night with  two sleeps in the day. To help your baby sleep you need to have a routine:... they should be in bed between 7:30 and 8pm" erm fraid not. If Little C went to bed then my day would start at 4am! 

Mind you Little C had 2 hours kip and has been up since 9:30 tonight, which is quite usual for Little C. Fingers crossed that if we can get Little C to run round the block I wont get too many wakeup calls in the night...(ok so Little C's legs aren't quite up to running but the Little C fidgets so much we might as well start running). 

Closet parenthood

Huh? What? Ya know it's like sooo long since I actually did anything other than update my reading list here that there are changes afoot which I know nothing about.

It's been a bit of a struggle that I'm not sure how others manage kids, house and... well some could say "the big kid" too. In fact sometimes I catch another parent doing things that I should be happy to do in public with my child but I'm a closet parent. Nought wrong with that I guess, Little C is loved even if I'm not big on public displays. And anyway Little C gets enough public attention and is (usually) quite content with grinning madly at strange people, particularly blondes who'll coo over her.

Monday, 8 September 2008

Something old

It was a good day, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and I only have 1 quibble. 

It went smoothly, in fact it all went too quickly for us. We seemed to zoom through the signing parts and spend a long time having photos taken so we didn't really get to talk to anyone. Then I had to nip off for Little C before dashing down to have dinner. The speeches were good, very funny. The food was fantastic - although a menu card would have meant people knew what they were eating as one table kept telling one of their friends they couldn't have the starter and when he found out what it actually was he was gutted as he'd loved to have it. Then we were on to dancing. Buffet - I'm sure there was one but I didn't get to see it, and wedding cake... well that's my quibble. We wanted to cut it, you know the good old fashioned way "couple cut the cake" business, but I only found out it was cut when my brother asked if I'd had any. Stunned I was!

Well pleased with the whole day otherwise - everyone seemed to be having fun which made us happy too.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Cake, gimme cake

but only the way I want it! 

Mother-in-law-to-be has taken over the cake, well I knew she'd taken on cooking the cake - we negotiated out of chocolate as I don't like her chocolate cake... neither do I like her fruit cake but I can't DO anything about that except not eat it. So I'm not getting the cake I wanted - me and the other half did come to the agreement of carrot, chocolate and fruit to please everyone - god knows why it was thought the fruit cake be the largest, personally I'd have thought the chocolate cake should have been the biggest as I know more people who'd have it...... but now were down to 2 fruit and a carrot. So I get carrot if I get a piece of cake, already said no nuts as some people insist carrot cake has nuts, surely that makes it a carrot and nut cake? 

So I'm already fed up about THE cake, now I find out that she's already got the decorations... excuse me but aren't the groom and bride supposed to be involved? I feel like disowning the cake and when it comes to photos and cutting the blinkin thing to go stand by something else (I shall take a fairy cake and cut that!). I could order my own deco and put it on the cake on the day, wipe hers off the face of the cake. Why don't people ask? huh? is it such a big deal to ask - I don't bite unless provoked and asking wont provoke me. I'd even told her I'd seen some nice ones in a shop and WE should go have a look see if they're ok

Enough ranting from me for now I have a tiny person, who has wriggled off, to tend to.

Friday, 8 August 2008


It's only 3 weeks and I'm giving in to my other halfs insistant on using a soother/dummy when Little C wails - only I will wait for a real episode the other one gives in as soon as there's a hint of wail coming. Little C's also been having episodes asleep (of sudden out the blue wailing) - I'm thinking it's soother related. 

The question is, is it a good idea to use one now? I think little C's already hooked on it, which I don't think is good and I'd like to stop it, but I can see how it makes life easy. Particularly as today I took it away and Little C wailed constantly for 15 miutes, and then had a 10 minute break before setting off again. I even managed to do a nappy change and provide a bath (as the little darlings started weeing over the change mat whenever we take the nappy off) and we had a constant wail through it. I'm beginning to wish there were colour coded instructions (blue for feed, red for "I want to be burped/sick" etc.).

Oh well back to servicing the sleepy head.

Monday, 4 August 2008

Wellll hellllooo

Finally, Little C arrived very early in the morning 2 weeks ago. Tiny little person, all soft and fluffy. In fact in 2 weeks Little C now seems quite big to me.

We went to a meal the other day and I couldn't believe how many 5-6 month olds there were there, also they nearly all had red hair! And there I was thinking redheads are rare, well more so than blondes and brunettes. Well I was mentioning these other babes becuase I couldn't believe how big they are. Now Little C was around 7lb's, so not a tiny baby and not a large one either, but will Little C get to be sooooo large and round faced as these others at 6 months? 

Not expecting any long sleeps just yet - except in the car that is - Little C's asleep right now, puckered lips and lying frog-like. So this is now my world - feeds and changing nappies, grabbing kip..... oh plus housekeeping, cooking, teaching and studies (when I can fit them in!!).

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Long time no see

Ok so it's been a while, not that I haven't been thinking (I did manage 5 minutes to update my reading list last time). Been busy.

Excuses, excuses, I know - shouldn't have to, and is any excuse really any good? So what's been happening?

Firstly keeping up the same old - dancing, coursework (which I'm failing, but I've got to the point where the course descriptions are never what the course is actually about so, particularly on this one, why should I get myself overly worried), the house, gardening, and well there was work. 

So we decorated the last bedroom and about 2 weeks ago got it carpeted, since then we've had nearly all the decorating and "rubble" removed, a few pieces of furniture moved in and around the house. 

Work was a pain in the rear but I was reminding myself (almost constantly) that it didn't matter. We'd have meetings between 6 of us only for things 5 minutes after the meeting to be changed and for 3 of us who attended the meeting to find out by grapevine. Very badly handled. They even put someone in charge without discussing it with the group and completely p'd 1 person off as they were on holiday for that 1 day and didn't even have the courtesy to go tell them face to face but let them "work it out" during the day. Mind you, what should an employee expect? I remember the time I was off sick for 2 days and came back to find I was in a new group - no one told me for 2 days, and then someone slipped up and said "oh you shouldn't be doing that you're supposed to be working in that group". Makes you wonder how these places stay in business!

Anyway I'm not to worry about that, as long as I have s job of the same pay when I go back... yes that's right I'm now "laying in" as the census details on one of my ancestors called in. The baby was due last Monday/Tuesday, hence one reason I feel there should be no excuses as to not being able to update my blog. Unfortunately it's not here yet. Obviously too cozy where it is and not eager to come out into such a mean world - well it has spent the majority of 9 months at work with me!

So on top of everything else we've had to do the whole baby item hunting in our spare moments. At least the first week on maternity I managed to clean the whole house from top to bottom - from window frames to ceiling dusting. Ok so I did have help, there are things that people feel you shouldn't be doing such as climbing 3-step ladders, and lifting anything heavier than a chair. 

I had help in the garden yesterday and now it looks better - less weeds more flowers. There's a few odd jobs with the veg, as always but generally I think things are now "under the thumb", at least for a little while. Although saying that we get the odd "bad surprise", like the other week when the baby was due the front door lock failed. In fact it was funnier than that. I had visitors to help clean the bits I couldn't reach and when it came to opening the front door we couldn't. They had to clamber over the neighbours garden into mine. Lots of comments about not dropping the baby just yet else I'd have to  climb out the window! Anyway we got a locksmith and eventually got the door sorted, lucky I didn't have to go to work as we could only chain the door shut.

Well for now I think that's enough, must get on as I have some new dances to learn.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Ella Minnow Pea

I know I don't usually comment on books - I read them and my tastes are the same as everyone elses. it's just I had to mention this one, it's unusual. You could probably read it in 3 or 4 hours - I read it in about 8 days bus journeys.
All I'll say is if you like words and are interested in written English this book is worth a read. I can't say I got overly involved in the whole storyline or characters but I enjoyed it for the concepts it put forth. I'd guess a teenager or thereabouts might find it better.

Nearly there

Yesterday was another non-speaking day, until lunch time wen I was approached  by the "offending" party and we had a chat. There were points of "it's not me, I've been asked to" and as I was relaxing all I could think was along the lines of, then it's the way it's communicated - I attempted a few comments along those lines, whether it's picked up I don't know. If it isn't then I'll have to have words to those above to approach and say that tone and wording needs to be looked at.
Mind you I'm only half and half inclined to believe that it's a response from "other people" complaining about me.... who? That's what I like to know, not to be nasty in anyway, I don't think they have valid points, but often these people do need to be looked at and say "well you expect that of me but you don't actual fulfill it either" like the timekeeping business, the person monitoring the time often has no idea when they themselves go out for lunch or come back, plus they question the amount of time it takes to get a coffee and we know their tea breaks are over 30mins..... is it not fair to say look at yourself before causing trouble for others.
And I'd also like to know, why me? Have I done something to cause all this trouble?


Apparently my appraisal form showed how angry I was, I got even more angry in the actual face to face. I got it all out right at the beginning. The points were valid and would be looked into.... I wont hold my breath but at least "we" can work forwards from here, I guess.
Then we worked through the form, that part was actually very good. I must have been inspired because I came out with some good ideas and usually in these things I can't think of anything. We were over 2 hours! Quite a record, most manage an hour more or less!
Still a little stressed in the afternoon and definately not usual self, now I have to wait for the colleague to have their appraisal.

Monday, 5 May 2008


What a ruddy pain!
I thought I'd have a nice day at home, catch up on this and the other bits neglected in the past week and then shoot off to get a new car. Then the other half called and said they loke was on lunch till 3pm so no hurry, so when the folks phoned next I thought it would be a quick outing. Only it wasn't that quick - I really don't want to be rushed into a decision and they are pushing. Well dashed home and got the washing out before dashing off again. Got to the car dealers about 3:30pm, and was hanging around reading newspapers whilst he finished with another customer.
One of his colleagues took us through the finance only to have my bank decline us! I couldn't f believe it! After all the stress and trouble and knowing the money's there the bank declines us! I answered all the questions right... mind you the authorisation place was in India and he couldn't understand us very well, had to tell him 4 times my name!!
So ended up calling the folks out to come pay for the car - we're both very down about this. It just seems that we're being kicked in the shins everytime we try to do something. It's like every step forward seems to take us 2 back.
Well they bailed us, thankfully.
Hopefully now we'll have lady luck smile on us - think we need it.


I guess I should do a catch-up, I was going to do posts for other interesting points in the last month but I can't really think of anything much except the last week or so it's been soooooooooooo stressful.
Well the car went "pop" again about 3 weeks ago and it took the garage a good 2 weeks to get it sorted to the extent that it runs but not what I say with confidence.
Work is a pig, the lady I had trouble with before is much worse - I learnt this week that it's not just me, although it does feel like she's bullying me. She left a message to adjust my times and I took it up with the boss as the day she told me to change was the day I could prove the times I worked as there was a meeting I went to!
Anyway boss man seemed to brush it under the carpet a bit, thankfully I have my yearly appraisal tomorrow and have notes I want to go through. I mean I'm doing my work and get told to do xyz and when I say there's no chance I can fit that in get told I have to anyway. Well there was no way and a week later was told I should do it in the afternoon so of course I stopped doing the other work I do and got "reprimanded" that there were soo many with my name on without notes - well I couldn't very well do them if I was doing something else, also to make it worse I was off for 2 half days so there was no chance of me doing anything much except desperately try to catch up. So I replied to an e-mail saying I couldn't and trying to lighten it up saying how even W woman can't do it if she's not in the office, well the reply that came back was very officious and "will be brought up in my appraisal". Why can't she just leave me alone for 2 months. Apparently there are now others who think she's becoming a bully/headmistress type too. Mind you I kinda feel sorry for my Team Leader as she's her friend and also she's about 6 months pregnant, so I can see she doesn't need the stress, but then neither do I.
Anyway the Dr took my blood pressure and it's up not badly but it's up from last time so I shall have to take it easier. I also (in 2 lines) said I was pressured at work by someone monitoring my timekeeping and workload - she basically came out with the fact that I was being bullied.
Well we shall have to see how tomorrow goes.

11th March

Dashed round Vale Castle between rain, then on to the most interesting monument - Delurs. It's not well advertised or signposted but it's a definate if you like ancient monuments.
La Villette Military Museum was open and the other half was in wonderland looking at everything. Unfortunately Castle Cornet was closed. So we went back to the Sausmarez manor and managed to look round the garden but the manor itself was closed. There were several other sea view restaurants and cafes we tried but with no luck so we ended up coming back to our room with a packet of cakes each. We tried to get to other places but they were shut or the roads were closed due to last nights storm knocking down the sea wall. It really devastated Jersey and Guernsey too quite a battering - surprised that all the BBC news focuses on the South coast of England, feel that the Channel Islands are rather neglected on the whole.

10th March

Started at the Candie Garden but it's a very rainy day and the Guernsey Museum is in the grounds... only that's closed.
Went to the Beau Sejour centre to see the tapestry, St James' church and grounds are very pretty, but the tapestry museum is closed.... think there's a theme to our holiday here. The other half got absolutely soaked through when we were walking round the shops - it was a sudden downpour, I escaped the worst as I have a hooded jacket and did lots of ducking in doorways. Well we saw the Pearl shop, not exactly a tourist spot unless you've loads of money and an expensive taste.
Oatlands was better, craft shops and historic stuff to see and a cafe for cream teas (it's quite expensive but then they have you by the wallet as there's no where else for food). Interesting to see Guernsey was originally divided into 2 islands.
Weather's getting rough - lots of lashing rain and high winds so we went back to the Lodge and only just down the road for dinner.

9th March

Jerbourg was nice, walked around Doyles tower and then round the coast to find the Gardens... only they're closed. So we went back to Sausmarez but the road's closed so we didn't get there either! Anyway we saw Catherine Best's shop (very expensive jewellery) though the mill itself is interesting. Stopped in a pub for a drink then went on to Hauteville House - looks nice from the outside, don't know about inside though as it was.... taadaa closed!
Anyway the Underground German Hospital is open if but briefly and we had a walk round the dark and damp tunnels. Well as it's Sunday we went and had a snooze and then went to St Peter's for dinner. The Library Carvery is fab, if you get a chance go there for food.

8th March

Flew out to Guernsey, which was ok and then caught the no. 7 bus... well we were supposed to get off at Port Serif but there's no sign, no indication, and very little in the way of recognisable bus stops so we missed it by... well shall we say 2 stops, it was just too far to walk back. Well I asked in the hotel, caught the bus back to the, erm, car park sort of big space and got off. It doesn't look far on the map, and the lady who stopped us (dead obvious tourist as we had suitcases with us) said it was about 10-15 minute walk.... plus the other 30 mins she obviously forgot about!
Sunny so not much complaints except it got hot. Well we finally got to the Lodge, it's rather a pub with a few rooms on the side - think the other half was disappointed with that but it was within our budget, and the "inn keeper" was kind enough to take us to the car hire - after that walk and bus trip it's best to have a car in Guernsey... unless you really like cycling and really really really like walking!
Drove to St Peter's Port (The Town), where we walked round and then had lunch. Walked round the sea front some more enjoying the scene, smelling the smells and wondering at the lack of certain big named shops. Looked through some tourist brochures and decided what to do. Walked up to the Underground Military Hospital... it was closed. Climbed up the cliff path to the military post and looked round.. rather quickly as it started to rain.
Went and had a look round the Little Chapel, then the clockmaker's... which was closed. So we carried on up the road to the Silver and Goldsmiths... which was... you guessed, closed, and so is the woodcarvers down the road.
Well we gave up on indoors and went to the battery and watchhouse in Pleinmount except I'm not really up for walking much.
Drove around some till we found a spot for dinner then realised that as its dark outside there's no street lamps to read the map by - oh what fun we're going to have!

Saturday, 15 March 2008

Last Saturday

Had an "exciting" week this last week.
Last Friday I went to bed very very late, way too late really considering I had to get up 4 hours later to nip on down to Gatwick.... where of course the plane was delayed by about 40 minutes. We only had an hours flight. Go on have a guess where... how far can you go on an hours flight? And it was one of those propeller planes as well.... we half expected someone to nip out and give them a turn or two to get them going!
The flight wasn't bad (no nibbles just a drink), we went up and up and then came down and down. Guessed where yet? Well we didn't leave the British Isles, Sterling is used but they do have their own coins which aren't acceptable on the "mainland", they took a hammering during the storm last Monday-Tuesday whilst we were there but apparently it wasn't covered here at home, and what else can I say about them..... petrol's gone up from 50p to 88p!

Guessed it....?


Saturday, 1 March 2008

Good afternoon

And so far the afternoon has been.
Things are cheery, not sure if its the extra little bit of sunshine we get, or that things in the house finally look like they've moved towards the finishing posts, or possibly because I managed to get an extra hours kip plus get out to plant some more seeds - that'll be lettuces of various sorts, rocket, spinach, carrots and violas. Chuffed with myself, oh just a little.
I'll admit it's all potted as the actual piece of garden isn't really cleared and ready, I guess also all that planting pots is a way out for me not actually getting round to measuring the garden to actually plan where everything goes... or the dusting.... or clearing out the next room to decorate.
We got a venue and set a date, now its dresses and suits, flowers and cake, oh and not forgetting guests!
I guess I better spend some time plotting and planning things.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Oh look!

Just noticed its been nearly a month since I last posted - well I've been busy very busy and I've been keeping secrets.... some of which I shall keep a while longer but others I shall shed light on now.
24th Jan went out in the evening and got engaged.
Since then been doing the whole wedding arranging - well we wanted to this year it's just a lot quicker, basically we should've read up about it all and done something last year but there you go, very typical of us. So we've been trying to find a venue (takes a very long time!) and now we have a heap of paperwork to do.
Other bedroom shall be stripped this weekend and decorating shall begin again.
Been spending some few hours researching the family tree - it's rather tangled  in that we now have people who'd be about 10 years old when they had their children! Apart from that it's trying to find the evidence (not my job in all this I just surf when I can).
Oh and my next course starts so I must crack on with the assignment.
And on top of that there's the dancing and my other little secret....
oh and incase anyone's following my adventures in the garden we had some success with our crocus' - the mixed ones so far have come up white and yellow, there are signs of life in the other places and hope still holds for the tulips.

I point at myself....

...and laugh.
Oh woah is me, snotty, snivelly, red nosed, red eyed me.
I am full of cold, but at least I've not gone to work today. It's knocked me for 6 else I would have gone into the workhouse and spread it back across the people who have soooo kindly donated it to me (via the air conditioning).
Things are a little easier in the place now - although there are digs from a distance - I'm finding senior people are like that (well one is), just because your not in their team anymore means squat they are still senior to you and can still cause trouble. At least the last 2 weeks I've been able to prove that I do work and don't just scratch my head all day. Funny thing is the old group I was in is now 1 person short and they are soooooo bored because there's no work for them to do! Pah! At least I had work to get on with even if it wasn't appreciated back then.
There are niggles still - I get hauled up for the smallest mistake and have been told I have too much work allocated to me, at which point I said I'd dealt with them all and was waiting for responses so i could close the calls down (nernerneenerner!). They shall not take work away from me and start office rumours saying I don't do any work again. And anyway there's Mr D & Mr C who are in my team and will help out if I get overloaded.

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Work = misery

I think I must have a huge sign above my head which is invisible to me.
Yet again I am pointed at and told I am not working. Well ok so it was a kindly soul who decided to tell me there were "rumours" going around that I do no work... and then I happened to cross paths with someone who was having a rant about people who just sit around and they may as well just go home (I'm trying not to take it as being mememe, but coming after the last comment it's not easy). So I have been forced into changing group suddenly and by surprise last Monday and I had thought even though I pointedly pointed that I didn't want to, as I had thought things resolved.
I mean I could point to people working alongside who spend 2 hours chatting to friends on the work phone, those who sit and surf the net obviously not doing work, and others who have running conversations with friends by e-mail. Perhaps that's what I'm doing wrong. Perhaps because I am actually head down in a pile of invoices all day (no not sleeping no matter how tired I get) that I'm not conforming to what everyone else s doing...... ??
I don't really come to anger or hate easily (I hope) but I really am hating going to work, not quite with a passion these days but I can see that if these things keep happening I will loath it all there.
Mum reminded me that this things about not working has nearly always cropped up in my work life - I remember when I first started work and it was a colleague who pointed out to the manager (while I stood gape mouthed at his accusation) that I had run around the whole shop floor checking that each till operator had enough cash, till roll, vouchers etc and I had just come downstairs from running her and the front tills this errand. Well I always thought if you go for one you may as well check all and get everything needed in one go. I wish sometimes it wasn't in my nature to go out of my way for people and be helpful.
I really don't get it, I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I've always thought that being busy with work makes the day go past quicker, and anyway I get really bored if there's nothing to do.

Monday, 7 January 2008

A meme....

1. What was the best gift your received ever? Not sure, perhaps it's one of those I remember receiving; a particularly obscure watch, a set of dictionaries, a dvd or cd....ah must include the cherry tree and skimmia.
2. What was the worst?
Usually soaps I don't like the scent, this year a pot pouri I can't stand the smell of and I have to keep as it would offend the person if it wasn't visible.
3. What's the best gift you've given someone else?
Erm...I guess the Pirates of the C stuff I got my neice as
she's still batty over it.

4. What's the worst?
I dunno, I try to find interesting things for people, and it's usually practical. Although being short of cash the next few birthdays could prove particularly bad.
5. What did you get this holiday season?
I got: sudoku game, watch, pictures of my neice a winterflowering cherry tree, male & female skimmia, a fruit bowl and the pot pouri.

6. Where did it fit on the best to worst scale (best being 1 and worst being a 10)?"
This holiday? Around 8, infact I wish I'd cancelled Christmas & just stayed home..... next door said I should've knocked & gone in for dinner, except I was nowhere near home, I think it'd have been more fun.

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Happy New Year all of you.