Monday 16 July 2007

Pills, potions, and flu

Got some super painkillers from the Dr's Wednesday as my whiplash was a killer by Tuesday night and the ibuprofen wasn't working. I've worked out painkillers, think they should all be classified as something else though mainly because I think they don't really take the pain away they just make me care much less about anything. I was told I seemed to be away with the fairies and quite euphoric at times.
Anyway I was suffering mildly from side effects by Friday so I stopped and went back to ibuprofen for the day. I wasn't feeling fantastic Saturday and I had a temperature and everything by Sunday night. Still very deaf feeling and hot and bothered today so am home alone with the TV.
Hence I've not got round to much this last week. We did though get the new curtains which I have to sew. Will have to whip things into action next week and get a shower installed.


Mephitis said...

Ouch, you poor thing.

canadian sadie said...

that stinks...i had hoped you'd be fine after your smash up. feel better soon.